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Project Spotlight: Whales in Our Waters

The busier our coastal waterways have become with commercial traffic, the more need we have to protect our vulnerable sea life, and in particular, our whales. BC Ferries and the Vancouver Fraser Port Authority saw this need, especially to convey the urgency of whale safety to mariners and vessel operators. Pathwise Solutions was approached by … Continued

Filed under: eLearning, eLearning Courses, Learning Management Systems, PathWise Solutions Projects, Technology Solutions, Training Tagged With: eLearning, eLearning Courses, Learning Management Systems, PathWise Solutions Projects, Technology Solutions, Training, BC Ferries, eLearning courses, mariners and vessel operators, Vancouver Fraser Port Authority, whale safety, whales in our waters

Learning Styles Are a Myth… But What’s the Alternative?

Despite their popularity, there’s no scientific evidence to show that student learning styles are valid nor that there are any measurables available to accurately show how much is being learned when learning styles are used. We explore why they’re still so popular despite this, and what you can use instead.  The concept of learning styles … Continued

Filed under: Autism Awareness Training, Canucks Autism Network, eLearning, eLearning Trends, Instructional Design, Learning Organizations, PathWise Solutions, Training Tagged With: Autism Awareness Training, Canucks Autism Network, eLearning, eLearning Trends, Instructional Design, Learning Organizations, PathWise Solutions, Training, are learning styles real, learning styles myth, VARK learning styles, what to use instead of learning styles

PWS Webinar Recap: File Management Tips for Nonprofit Agencies

As part of an innovative ‘support co-op’ for nonprofit family service agencies in the Kootenays region, PathWise Solutions is delivering a series of skills-based webinars. Learn more about the first in this webinar series, File Management Tips for Nonprofit Agencies, as well as our other work with this great initiative. PathWise Solutions has partnered with … Continued

Filed under: Adapting to Change, Culture of Learning, Increasing Productivity, PathWise Solutions, PathWise Solutions Projects, Technology Solutions, Training Tagged With: Adapting to Change, Culture of Learning, Increasing Productivity, PathWise Solutions, PathWise Solutions Projects, Technology Solutions, Training, Kootenay Boundary Community Services Co-operative, Shared Web Services, technical support for nonprofits, webinar on file management tips, webinar series

Project Spotlight: Heaven Can Wait First Aid eLearning Program

COVID-19 has caused many businesses to have to move from instructor-led training to online learning or blended learning. This is a big challenge for hands-on programs like the First Aid and CPR Training offered by our client Heaven Can Wait (HCW). PathWise Solutions was able to work with HCW to come up with a future-proof … Continued

Filed under: Blended Learning, eLearning, eLearning Courses, Instructor-led Training, Learning Management Systems, PathWise Solutions, PathWise Solutions Projects, Storytelling Tagged With: Blended Learning, eLearning, eLearning Courses, Instructor-led Training, Learning Management Systems, PathWise Solutions, PathWise Solutions Projects, Storytelling, blended learning courses, Heaven Can Wait First Aid, instructor-led training, online First Aid and CPR training, PathWise Solutions elearning projects

What is UX Design & Why Does it Matter?

Making sure websites and eLearning projects meet the needs of their user boils down to effective User Experience (UX) design. In this post, we break down what UX design entails and why it matters.  What is UX? “UX is the web. It is literally all there is. Everything that we interact with in any form … Continued

Filed under: Design Solutions, eLearning, Instructional Design, PathWise Solutions Projects, Technology Solutions, Wireframing Tagged With: Design Solutions, eLearning, Instructional Design, PathWise Solutions Projects, Technology Solutions, Wireframing, user experience design, user-centred design, what is UX?, why UX matters

MicroLearning in a Brave New World

In this post, we explore 6 reasons how and why microLearning can help businesses, non-profits, and schools through and beyond the COVID-19 pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic has radically changed the way people work and learn. Many businesses have shifted to having staff working mostly or entirely from home. Workforces are more mobile and more remote. … Continued

Filed under: Adapting to Change, Benefits of Training, Culture of Learning, eLearning, eLearning Courses, eLearning Trends, Increasing Retention, Microlearning, Remote Work, Technology, What is Microlearning

2020: Hope vs Hopelessness and Looking Forward

2020 has been a year of contrasts. On the one hand, we’ve watched the suffering of so many of our friends, community members, and businesses as they’ve struggled and persisted during this extremely challenging year. We’ve also seen the exhaustion that many have felt during this seemingly endless pandemic and hope has gradually been depleted. … Continued

Filed under: eLearning, eLearning Courses, Home Office Ergonomics, Remote Work, Tips for Working from Home, Working from Home

How to Measure the Impact of Your Training

Offering training to your employees is an excellent way to increase retention, attract top talent, and create a culture of learning, but how do you know if it’s helping them gain the skills and knowledge they need? Is it making any difference to the way they do their jobs? Ultimately, you want to be able to … Continued

Filed under: Blended Learning, Culture of Learning, eLearning, eLearning Benefits, Employee Satisfaction, Helping Employees, Increasing Retention, Learning Organizations, Measuring Learning Impacts, Training

3 Ways to Create Trust in a Virtual Workplace

Trust is an essential part of any well functioning organization – not just between you and your clients/customers or the market, but also internally between workers. Building trust within a workplace can be a challenge, and it can feel even more difficult when you’re operating in a remote environment and communicating digitally. So how do … Continued

Filed under: Adapting to Change, Project Management Tools, Remote Work, Working from Home

Project Spotlight: NCCDH Free Health Equity eLearning Course

Health equity is accomplished when every person has the opportunity to achieve their full health potential.. While Canada has made great strides towards achieving health equity, the reality is that a gap between those who are most and least healthy still exists. One of the remedies for this disparity is education. PathWise partnered with the National … Continued

Filed under: eLearning Courses, Free eLearning Course, Instructional Design, PathWise Solutions Projects, Storytelling, Training

What is blended learning, and how can you use it?

There’s no easy answer to the question “what is blended learning?” because it can come in different forms, working in different ways for different audiences. But as companies, schools, and other institutions scramble to accommodate learners due to COVID-19, it’s a topic on many people’s minds. We break down what blended learning is, its benefits, … Continued

Filed under: Blended Learning, eLearning Courses, How to Choose an LMS, Instructor-led Training, Social Learning, Technology, Training

Project Spotlight: TransLink Change Management & Mentorship eLearning Courses

Over the years, PathWise Solutions has worked on several very successful projects with TransLink – Metro Vancouver’s transportation network – including building eLearning courses on change management and mentorship training. We’ve broken down the challenges of these courses and how we worked with TransLink to overcome them.  Creating Change Management Online Training In order to accommodate multiple … Continued

Filed under: Change Management, eLearning, eLearning Courses, Instructional Design, Instructor-led Training, PathWise Solutions Projects, Storytelling, Training, TransLink

How to Choose a Learning Management System That Works for You

Discover how to select the ideal Learning Management System (LMS) for your online training needs. Learn the differences between self-hosted and cloud-based LMS, explore key considerations, and find out how PathWise Solutions can guide you to the best LMS choice for your organization’s unique requirements.

Filed under: Choosing the Right Vendor, eLearning, How to Choose an LMS, Instructional Design, Learning Management Systems, PathWise Solutions Projects, Technology Solutions

Tips for Overcoming “Zoom Fatigue” & Coping with Online Meetings

There have been lots of articles recently about the exhaustion many of us are experiencing from having to be in back to back online meetings and why using video conferencing tools like Zoom or Google Meet can be extremely tiring. They don’t have to be, though. Here are some ways to manage that fatigue and get the … Continued

Filed under: Adapting to Change, Online Collaboration Tools, Project Management Tools, Remote Work, Technology Solutions, Tips for Working from Home, Using Zoom, Working from Home

Project Spotlight: Autism Awareness Training for First Responders

Did you know that 1 in 66 children have autism? Or that individuals with autism are 7 times more likely to interact with First Responders than other members of the general public? First Responders aren’t commonly trained to know the specific needs of those with autism, however, so Canucks Autism Network (CAN) wanted to create … Continued

Filed under: Autism Awareness Training, Benefits of Training, Canucks Autism Network, eLearning, Instructional Design, Mental Health Support, PathWise Solutions Projects, Technology Solutions

Securing Confidential Data While Working From Home

Whether you’re in the office or working from home, you need to be careful about information privacy and data security and follow basic computer security protocol. It starts with developing good habits, so we’ve put together some tips on how to make sure you can work securely and safely with confidential data.  Paying Attention to … Continued

Filed under: Data Security, Helping Employees, Privacy and Security, Remote Work, Technology Solutions, Tips for Working from Home, Working from Home, Working with Confidential Data

Mental Health Week 2020: Taking Care of Yourself While Working from Home

This week, May 4 -10 2020, doesn’t just include Star Wars Day and Cinco de Mayo; it’s also the Canadian Mental Health Association’s (CMHA) annual Mental Health Week. The theme this year is “social connection” and during this week, the CMHA is encouraging people to #GetReal about how they feel. Looking after your mental health … Continued

Filed under: Adapting to Change, Mental Health Support, Remote Work, Tips for Working from Home, Using Slack, Working from Home

Free Beginner’s Guide to Remote Work eLearning Course

A lot of people are struggling with working remotely as they adjust to the current pandemic. That’s why we’ve pooled our experience and knowledge as a 100 percent remote company to build a FREE elearning course to help anyone trying to work from home for the first time.  This roughly 20-minute, highly interactive course focuses … Continued

Filed under: Adapting to Change, Business Benefits of Remote Work, Free eLearning Course, Helping Employees, Remote Work, Tips for Working from Home, Working from Home

A beginner to remote work is taking an eLearning Course

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